
Entrepreneurship , NGO, SHG, CSR based

Entrepreneurship involves innovative ventures for profit. NGOs are non-profit organizations aiding social causes. SHGs are community-based self-help groups. CSR involves corporate responsibility towards society..

Entrepreneurship Support

Services aiding small-scale business establishment..


Facility to SPONSOR ADDITION – CSR , CROWD FUNDING From SAMSA - | Samridh Sathi | Through SPONSOR ADDITION – CSR, CROWD FUNDING work is done easily by Samridh Sathi, this is a trusted Institution. You all should get the work done here and you all will be happy to get it done here. Because Samridh Sathi behaves friendly in the institution and also understands him. Corporate Social Responsibility:- Corporate social responsibility (also known as CSR or corporate citizenship) describes a company’s efforts to improve society in some way. These efforts are wide-reaching. Common examples of CSR programs include donating cash and in-kind goods to nonprofits, providing grants for employee volunteer hours, implementing grant programs, changing production or purchasing processes to benefit environmental or social justice causes, committing to diverse hiring practices, and more. CSR impact: CSR impacts companies, nonprofits, and employees, as well as society as a whole. Corporate social responsibility is not a mandated practice in the United States; instead, it is something extra that companies do to improve their local and global communities. This means that the general public can be impacted by CSR as well when they get to reap the benefits of companies’ do-good efforts. The Purpose of corporate social responsibility:- Corporate social responsibility programs aim to give structure to a company’s efforts to give back to the community, participate in philanthropic causes, and provide positive social value. Businesses increasingly turn to CSR to make a difference and build a positive brand around their company. And because social responsibility is not a mandated practice, it can function as a powerful differentiator for companies that partake. CSR programs help nonprofits: CSR helps encourage companies to get involved and support a wide range of nonprofit causes. For those charitable organizations, taking a strategic approach to leveraging social responsibility opportunities can help drive corporate giving revenue, employee volunteerism, and more. Though individual donors continue to make up roughly three-fourths of an organization’s total monetary contributions, CSR initiatives can assist nonprofits in driving the remaining 25% of funding after they’ve maximized their individual support. Not to mention, some CSR programs (such as matching gifts) can even increase individual giving, as well! Non-profit organizations have always been inclined to seek traditional ways of funding based on the domain in which they operate. But in recent times, many of them have successfully migrated to online crowdfunding. This innovative funding model is providing all the right answers to their questions pertaining to its time and cost-effectiveness, and is fast positioning itself as a go-to source for raising funds. The Benefits of Crowdfunding for Corporate Social Responsibility Thanks to social media, India is seeing a rise in the culture of both asking and giving. Being at the crux of the action, NGOs are well aware of this trend and online crowdfunding offers them a perfect platform to leverage it. In the last few years, we have seen a substantial rise in the number of NGOs using our platform. In addition to the convenience and transparency that comes with crowdfunding, we offer them a slew of features to give their campaign a boost. ● Effective communication is key to the success of any crowdfunding campaign. Crowdfunding platforms offer premium content and marketing services to help NGOs get the most out of their campaign. ● Donors have multiple options in terms of payment methods and currencies to choose from. ● Few crowdfunding platforms also provide access to foreign funds and provide tax benefits to donors, as well as vetted Indian NGOs. Magic Bus, a non-profit for children’s cause, raised Rs 6.39 lakhs to provide education to underpriviledged children across 22 states in India and help them move out of poverty. In another fundraiser led by Magic Bus, 18 Bollywood celebrities including Abhishek Bachchan, Ranbir Kapoor, Arjun Kapoor, and Dino Morea collaborated to raise funds for children and youth living in extreme poverty in India. How to Maximize Your Corporate Social Impact with Crowdfunding 1. Set a clear goal. Setting a specific goal for the amount of funding you need to raise is one way to get backers on board. Make sure your fund goal is realistic, however. “People will be more willing to get behind your project if they can see the finish line,” Siva Mahesh, CEO of Dreamshala, told Business News Daily. 2. Seek help from experts. “The biggest tip and most important element for a successful crowdfunding campaign is to not do it alone,” said Brian Hooks, owner of Left of BANG Entertainment. “Find a company or individual that specializes in crowdfunding campaigns. They will ensure you check off all the boxes needed to build a strong campaign.” It’s also important to pick a reputable crowdfunding platform that is dedicated to helping you get the funds you need. 3. Tell your business’s story. People want to know who they’re giving their money to and why they should care. An authentic and memorable anecdote and your fundraising campaign can go a long way. Unprecedented hardship has hit many small businesses, and it’s important to be honest and express your needs. Mahesh said you should explain who your business is and why it’s important for you to have these funds. “When creating a campaign, it’s essential to be as detailed as possible. People want to help but might be hesitant if your story is unclear. Be genuine and transparent.” 4. Create a promotion video for your campaign. Videos perform much better in terms of audience interaction than infographics or images. A good video with sounds and narration will help pull donors in and be an effective marketing tool for your campaign. However, before you put your video out there, Yaniv Masjedi, CMO at Nextiva, a business phone company, suggests getting feedback from your peers. “Make sure that before the video goes out to market, it has virtually no lapses or boring parts.” 5. Use your email list to promote your campaign. Email your customers about your campaign, and include everything they need to know to participate. Shooting an email out to your contact list with the link to your campaign is a direct and effective way to get loyal customers to participate in your fundraiser. 6. Leverage your network. When you’re crowdfunding, you should use every inch of your network, said Kimberly Smith, marketing manager of Clarify Capital. “Ask your client base, family, friends and community to share your campaign amongst their own networks,” she said. “Using your network to access the networks of others will help build momentum and awareness.” Even if people who come in contact with your campaign don’t donate, they can share it with their friends, which could be just as valuable. This brings visibility to your campaign from people may not be familiar with your business, which can boost participation. 7. Use social media, especially LinkedIn, to reach out to other business owners. Instagram, Facebook and Twitter are typically considered the big three social media platforms to market your business. However, if you’re running an equity crowdfunding campaign, it’s important to promote your fundraiser on LinkedIn too, because it’s a great space to pitch to a pool of business owners like you. The audience on LinkedIn is likely to be more familiar with your struggles as an entrepreneur and understand the amount you’re asking for to cover business expenses, which can lead to an increase in support. Smith said that sharing your campaign on social channels is crucial to building visibility and awareness. “Small business owners using this tactic should make participation as easy as possible for prospective donors,” she said. “One of the best ways to do this is to link the crowdfunding campaign to social posts.” Then, your audience has to swipe up or click to be directed to your campaign page, where they can donate. 8. Familiarize your audience with the crowdfunding site you’re using. A confusing platform with a challenging interface is the best way to lose a would-be donor. In your communications about your fundraiser with potential backers, you don’t have to give a detailed breakdown of how to use GoFundMe or Kickstarter, but you should include details about the platform you’re using within your campaign promotion. Talk about its security and how backers should use it. This bit of information will help donors feel comfortable about investing their money into your business through the platform. [Want help choosing the right small business loan for you? Check out our buying guide.] 9. Offer tiered incentives. Give your donors and backers rewards based on the size of their donations, and make sure they’re worthwhile. An attractive incentive will encourage more people to back your campaign. Smith suggested raffling off products or offering discounted memberships to your service. 10. Keep your audience up to date. You want to keep participants and potential backers engaged in your fundraising journey, so it’s important to update them regularly on your progress. Sharing your growth on a monthly or even biweekly basis, depending on the length of your campaign, will help keep your fundraiser at the forefront of your audience members’ minds, said Will Ward, CEO of Translation Equipment HQ..

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