
Entrepreneurship , NGO, SHG, CSR based

Entrepreneurship involves innovative ventures for profit. NGOs are non-profit organizations aiding social causes. SHGs are community-based self-help groups. CSR involves corporate responsibility towards society..

Entrepreneurship Support

Services aiding small-scale business establishment..


Facility to ENABLING ENIVIRONMENT From SAMSA - | Samridh Sathi | Through The work of ENABLING ENVIRONMENT is easily done by Samridh Sathi, a trusted Institution. You all should get the work done here and you all will be happy to get it done here. Because Samridh Sathi behaves friendly in the institution and also understands him. An enabling environment is a rich and varied space where risks are minimised and well managed, and children are protected from harm and abuse. To help ensure your environment is enabling, follow this checklist: Create an environment that is warm, welcoming and nurturing and facilitates a sense of belonging Offer a range of resources, which are familiar to the children and babies, as well as activities that are new to them Ensure that the activities and environment offer room for outdoor and indoor play, sufficient space for children to move and collaborate, and encourage exploration and risk-taking Provide a range of activities which serve different purposes: inspire imagination and role play, exploration of personal relationships and feelings, problem solving, quiet time and reflection. Consider having a construction area, home corner, various toys and books, storytelling times, music and art Ensure the activities and environment meet the needs of all the children who attend, from very young babies to older children Consider how you can ensure all children feel welcomed and valued. Some ideas include fostering close collaboration with parents by including family photos on display boards, singing songs sung in the family home, and providing a comfortable welcoming area with places for a parent to sit with staff and their child Pay close attention to individual children. Consider: What are they interested in and how you could incorporate this into your play environment? How can you help them communicate better? When are they ready to play and ready for rest? When are they intrinsically motivated to learn? How can they have choice and control? Is the environment meeting their individual needs? Ensure staff understand the importance of building warm and supportive relationships and the importance of nurturing a child’s development Ensure activities and resources are at child height and accessible and use resources which can be moved and used in a variety of ways Allow children the time and space to focus and reduce noise distractions Involve children in making the setting’s ground rules for behaviour, and creating the behavioural codes of practice, involving them as much as possible Engage children in activities to build their emotional resilience and social skills.

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