
Entrepreneurship , NGO, SHG, CSR based

Entrepreneurship involves innovative ventures for profit. NGOs are non-profit organizations aiding social causes. SHGs are community-based self-help groups. CSR involves corporate responsibility towards society..

Entrepreneurship Support

Services aiding small-scale business establishment..

Micro Level Entrepreneurship Establishment

Entrepreneurship is not just a word but it is the name of a method through which life is made self-reliant and full of enthusiasm. It has been seen in the past that those people who have chosen entrepreneurship have given meaning to their future. Before the Industrial Revolution, India was called the golden bird simply because entrepreneurship here was completely prevalent in the minds of the people in the form of cottage industries and they used them practically. In today's time, when more than 65% of the population of our country is youth, whose age is between 20 to 30 years, the rate of unemployment among them is very high and this youth group is wasting important opportunities of their life by becoming directionless and misguided. . In such a situation, it is appropriate to see how entrepreneurship can be selected and established at the micro level so that the seed should be sown in the minds of the unemployed youth in time that government jobs are limited whereas everyone has to earn a living. It happens that in such a situation, if entrepreneurship emerges, and then there is definitely no doubt that the youth will be able to spend their time away from unemployment and live a self-reliant life. Samaridhsathi SAmSA is a practical innovation which provides a new life and style and way of living to every section of the society. Under this SAmSA platform, it has been conceptualized that it is necessary to establish entrepreneurship even at the micro level. We have determined under the Family Focused Plan that micro level entrepreneurship will be a collective effort of all the members of the family and through this collective effort, it Later on, they will be able to hone their skills better and with this honed skill, they will be able to turn it into a business and this business will be meaningful in establishing a huge dimension for their self-reliance in the future. SAmSA has prepared a visionary module of entrepreneurship which comprises with following steps: a.STEP I - Introduction to Entrepreneurship b.STEP II - Achievement Motivation and positive psychology c.STEP III - Entrepreneurial Competencies d.STEP IV - Personal Skills e.STEP V - Business Management f.STEP VI - Business Opportunity Identification Guidance g.STEP VII - Market Survey h.STEP III - Business Plan Preparation i.STEP IX Launching Formalities j.STEP X -Business Strategy & Growth.

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